Help For Your Small Business

Great White Website Services

Great White takes an individualized approach with each project. We begin by getting to know you, understanding your business and your goals. Throughout your website project, we take a personalized approach by staying in close contact every step of the way.

New Website Web Design

Web Design Services

Websites for small business

A beautiful website with 2021 standards, built for speed, mobile-friendly and user-friendly. Get ready for a new website experience.

A Website For 2021

A website is the final result of web design. You need a current website in 2021.

As a skilled website designer, I have mastered the skills needed to create classy and attractive graphics, colors and shapes placed in perfect balance to catch the eye of the visitor all the time drawing their focus to the most important sections of your website. Deeper into your world, getting to know who you are and how you can help them.

Video Production

Complete Video Production Services

Lights! Camera! Action! From concept to talent to editing. Complete video production for your small business needs. We can help.

Video Editing Services

Do you have a bunch of footage but don’t know where to start? Have a story you want to put together but need help making the video. We can help. Contact us now to get started.

Video for Youtube

Nobody goes to youtube to watch commercials. They want answers, they want information, they want to laugh, they want to be entertained. Your customer is on Youtube, you can get your message in front of them.

Video Production Services Venice
Social Media everywhere

Your customers are on social media

The new landscape can be overwhelming; Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and more. We make it easy so you can run your business.

Social Media Done For You

Gary Vee says, post on social media seventy times a day !?!

That feels a bit excessive but you understand, you have to step up your game. We can help you with your social media game.

Logo Design

What message does your logo identity communicate? Looking to make a change? It’s 2021, when was the last time you updated your logo, your brand? It’s time.

Business Cards & Stationary

Too busy? No time to put together a new business card, stationary, email signatures, etc. I can help.

Brochure Design

There is much more to developing a successful marketing brochure than you might think. The planning process begins with “first impressions”, and works its way through content, colors, photos, and more. It involves a real understanding of the psychology of the audience, and in understanding what they might be looking for. What message does your business brochire communicate?

Logos and Branding Services
SEO Services Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization Audit

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a host of techniques, approaches and strategies to prepare your website to be found by major search engines.

Our professional SEO services can lift your site above your competitors. We offer help in your business’ organic traffic generation, keyword auditing, content writing and following logical SEO process.

SEO Analysis

A detailed examination of your website in order to understand its nature then a comprehensive plan to encourage its success

problem, brainstorm, idea, solution

A fresh outlook, a different persepctive, a second opinion or a just someone to confirm your fantastic idea. I’ve dealth with many hurdles as a solo-entrepreneur, maybe I can help.

Partnership Services

Our primary clients are small business owners and entrepreneurs who realize that they can’t “do it all” and need an alternate solution to hiring employees. If I can’t do it, someone in my network might.
Just a Little Help
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That’s the big thing on your mind, how much? It’s not that simple; a handyman website is very different from a hair salon or a dog walker. Answer a few questions, I’ll give you a few ideas and a quote …